Cracked Egg Studios

Directors Chair Period Printable version

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The Directors Chair Period occurred during a lull in the 3D Movie Maker Era in 1999.

During this period, Ted Phillips and Nick Phillips focused on using the software Steven Spielberg's Directors Chair, which allowed users to create various edits of a film starring Quentin Tarantino, Jennifer Aniston, Penn Jillette, and Teller. No completed edits survive to this day. Though many edits were made during this period, only the following are known:

Directors Chair content continued to be made sporadically beyond the formal dates of the period, including the following edits:
Since it was only possible to create variations on the same film, use of Directors Chair quickly became a competition between Ted and Nick, and themselves. Each release was more comedic and more absurd than the last. In one edit, Tarantino's character Jack punched a prison guard in the face for over two minutes straight.

While it produced no surviving movies, work in Directors Chair was important historically because it led to improvements in pre-production practices at T.J.'s Cracked Egg Studios and inspired the Dannick Studios script The Prisoners. That script would later be filmed as The Twisted Mile in 2001 and remade in 2006.