This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines
This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2019.
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December
  1. January 11, 2019
    • VaultWiki Team extends the content icon chooser in VaultWiki to handle new font glyphs and styles available in Font Awesome version 5.
  2. January 22
  3. February 2
  4. February 12
  5. February 19
  6. February 26
  7. March 4
  8. March 11
    • VaultWiki Team extends the section jump to top link in VaultWiki to hide when the XenForo style has scroll jump buttons.
  9. March 12
  10. March 14
    • VaultWiki Team extends the main content interface in VaultWiki to optionally not render placeholder text and collapse the first content block in certain cases.
  11. March 20
  12. March 28
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5150 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 4.1.0 Beta 1.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the subscription management vulnerability VWE-2019-5151 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 4.1.0 Beta 1.
  13. April 2
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5157, VWE-2019-5159, VWE-2019-5160, VWE-2019-5161, VWE-2019-5162, and VWE-2019-5163 in VaultWiki, and addresses them in the upcoming version 4.1.0 Beta 1.
  14. April 4
  15. April 15
  16. April 19
  17. April 22
  18. May 2
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5188 and VWE-2019-5189 in VaultWiki.
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5171, VWE-2019-5172, VWE-2019-5181, VWE-2019-5188, and VWE-2019-5189 in VaultWiki.
  19. May 6
  20. May 8
  21. May 9
  22. May 10
  23. May 15
  24. May 20
  25. May 22
    • Ted Phillips applies for an ownership stake in the headquarters real estate.
  26. May 24
    • VaultWiki Team extends the data management systems for various content types in VaultWiki to employ the host platform's tools for automatic spam detection.
    • VaultWiki Team extends section table of contents in VaultWiki with an option to limit the maximum depth of nested sections.
  27. May 31
  28. June 1
    • The headquarters sewer infrastructure is destroyed by neighboring fence installation.
  29. June 2
  30. June 6
  31. June 7
    • VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5193, VWE-2019-5241, VWE-2019-5244, VWE-2019-5261, VWE-2019-5266, VWE-2019-5268 in VaultWiki.
  32. June 12
  33. June 23
  34. June 25
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the subscription management vulnerability VWE-2019-5280 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 4.1.0 Beta 2.
  35. July 12
  36. July 14
  37. July 20
  38. July 29
  39. August 7
    • Repairs to the headquarters sewer infrastructure are completed.
  40. August 19
  41. August 20
    • Ted Phillips undergoes the first surgery in the Nuss procedure.
  42. September 10
    • VaultWiki Team extends notifications in VaultWiki to avoid sending additional alerts about similar updates to content when the user hasn't read the previous update yet.
  43. September 11
  44. September 19
  45. September 25
    • Ted Phillips's application for an ownership stake in the headquarters real estate is approved.
  46. October 3
  47. October 8
  48. October 12
  49. October 13
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5416 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in a new build of 4.1.0 Beta 4.
  50. October 15
  51. October 24
    • Renovations to the headquarters west yard begin.
  52. October 31
    • Renovations to the headquarters west yard are completed.
  53. November 4
    • Renovations to the headquarters bathroom begin.
  54. November 8
    • The remains of Janya are discovered underneath the headquarters bathroom.
  55. November 15
  56. December 27
  57. December 30
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5453 in VaultWiki.
    • VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service amplification vulnerability VWE-2019-5463 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 4.1.0 RC 1.

This page has been seen 64 times.

    • Created by on
      Last updated by on


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