This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 2019.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January 11, 2019
- VaultWiki Team extends the content icon chooser in VaultWiki to handle new font glyphs and styles available in Font Awesome version 5.
- January 22
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.0.25.
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2018-4972 in VaultWiki.
- February 2
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5016 in VaultWiki.
- February 12
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.1.0 Alpha 2.
- February 19
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2019-5016 in VaultWiki.
- February 26
- VaultWiki Team programs the ability to react to various content in VaultWiki.
- March 4
- VaultWiki Team extends red links in VaultWiki to invite the user to create the target of the link.
- VaultWiki Team extends red links in VaultWiki to set the default save location to the same area that the link was in.
- March 11
- VaultWiki Team extends the section jump to top link in VaultWiki to hide when the XenForo style has scroll jump buttons.
- March 12
- VaultWiki Team extends the section anchor link in VaultWiki to open XenForo's content sharing interface.
- March 14
- VaultWiki Team extends the main content interface in VaultWiki to optionally not render placeholder text and collapse the first content block in certain cases.
- March 20
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.1.0 Alpha 3.
- March 28
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5150 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 4.1.0 Beta 1.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the subscription management vulnerability VWE-2019-5151 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 4.1.0 Beta 1.
- April 2
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5157, VWE-2019-5159, VWE-2019-5160, VWE-2019-5161, VWE-2019-5162, and VWE-2019-5163 in VaultWiki, and addresses them in the upcoming version 4.1.0 Beta 1.
- April 4
- VaultWiki Team discovers the information disclosure vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5171 and VWE-2019-5172 in VaultWiki.
- April 15
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5181 in VaultWiki.
- April 19
- VaultWiki Team extends XenForo's bookmarking system to handle content in VaultWiki.
- April 22
- VaultWiki Team extends alerts in VaultWiki to better support usage in PUSH notifications in XenForo.
- May 2
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5188 and VWE-2019-5189 in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5171, VWE-2019-5172, VWE-2019-5181, VWE-2019-5188, and VWE-2019-5189 in VaultWiki.
- May 6
- VaultWiki Team discovers the HTML injection vulnerability VWE-2019-5193 in VaultWiki.
- May 8
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.0.26.
- May 9
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.1.0 Beta 1.
- May 10
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5241 in VaultWiki.
- May 15
- VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service vulnerability VWE-2019-5244 in VaultWiki.
- May 20
- May 22
- Ted Phillips applies for an ownership stake in the headquarters real estate.
- May 24
- VaultWiki Team extends the data management systems for various content types in VaultWiki to employ the host platform's tools for automatic spam detection.
- VaultWiki Team extends section table of contents in VaultWiki with an option to limit the maximum depth of nested sections.
- May 31
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5266 in VaultWiki.
- June 1
- The headquarters sewer infrastructure is destroyed by neighboring fence installation.
- June 2
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5268 in VaultWiki.
- June 6
- VaultWiki Team discovers the subscription management vulnerability VWE-2019-5261 in VaultWiki.
- June 7
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5193, VWE-2019-5241, VWE-2019-5244, VWE-2019-5261, VWE-2019-5266, VWE-2019-5268 in VaultWiki.
- June 12
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5275 in VaultWiki.
- June 23
- VaultWiki Team extends content protection in VaultWiki with user-customizable allow and block lists.
- June 25
- VaultWiki Team discovers the subscription management vulnerability VWE-2019-5280 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 4.1.0 Beta 2.
- July 12
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.0.27.
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2019-5275 in VaultWiki.
- July 14
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.1.0 Beta 2.
- July 20
- VaultWiki Team extends areas in VaultWiki so they themselves can have a prefix.
- VaultWiki Team extends the mass management tools in VaultWiki so administrators can preview changes before applying them.
- July 29
- VaultWiki Team programs a tab-less interface for content in VaultWiki.
- August 7
- Repairs to the headquarters sewer infrastructure are completed.
- August 19
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.1.0 Beta 3.
- August 20
- Ted Phillips undergoes the first surgery in the Nuss procedure.
- September 10
- VaultWiki Team extends notifications in VaultWiki to avoid sending additional alerts about similar updates to content when the user hasn't read the previous update yet.
- September 11
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5361 and VWE-2019-5363 in VaultWiki.
- September 19
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5360 in VaultWiki.
- September 25
- Ted Phillips's application for an ownership stake in the headquarters real estate is approved.
- October 3
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5375 in VaultWiki.
- October 8
- VaultWiki Team discovers the phishing vulnerability VWE-2019-5391 in VaultWiki.
- October 12
- VaultWiki Team releases VaultWiki version 4.1.0 Beta 4.
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for vulnerabilities VWE-2019-5360, VWE-2019-5361, VWE-2019-5363, VWE-2019-5375, and VWE-2019-5391 in VaultWiki.
- October 13
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5416 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in a new build of 4.1.0 Beta 4.
- October 15
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5425 in VaultWiki.
- October 24
- Renovations to the headquarters west yard begin.
- October 31
- Renovations to the headquarters west yard are completed.
- November 4
- Renovations to the headquarters bathroom begin.
- November 8
- The remains of Janya are discovered underneath the headquarters bathroom.
- November 15
- VaultWiki Team releases patches for the vulnerability VWE-2019-5425 in VaultWiki.
- December 27
- VaultWiki Team discovers the subscription management vulnerability VWE-2019-5452 in VaultWiki.
- December 30
- VaultWiki Team discovers the permissions escalation vulnerability VWE-2019-5453 in VaultWiki.
- VaultWiki Team discovers the denial of service amplification vulnerability VWE-2019-5463 in VaultWiki, and addresses it in the upcoming version 4.1.0 RC 1.