=o James asked a girl out!


New member
I'm not toenailting you guys, I actually asked a girl who was my lab partner in Astronomy class if she would go with me to the Museum of Natural History to check out the observatory together XD. Even more surprising, she agreed, probem is, she has a toenailload of classes, so we're going to have to set up some time ::sigh::. It was funny -- I asked her out right after she gave me an erection, so I was all uncomfortable and all that. Hopefully all goes well this time around XD.
I don't know if it really counts as a date. It could just be considered chill time. Are you sure she understands how you're taking this?
I'm sorry, if you want you can try to make a move at the museum... or you can go for a walk in central park, there's lots of people there to watch you make out.

In either case, if you're good enough friends with her, things will only ever be weird for you if things turn bad. Unless she reciprocates your feelings, in which case, it won't go bad.

So all you have to fear is inner turmoil!
Yeah, I'm sure she'll understand it's a date, but you never know with women. She may've thought you asked her out as a friend. But, hey, congrats, man. Because of you, I've gained hope. I think I'll go ask that girl out I saw at the play once...see ya.
Yeah, random girls would be hard, I was just lucky enough to have this girl as my lab partner for the day and we worked pretty well together. I can't wait until Monday now to see how things go with her, I'm even gonna ask if I can hang around her XD.
You don't really have to ask if you see her often enough. You can just hang around her anyway then... but of course if you mean like chillin on the weekends, by all means ask.
Only two days a week, and the lecture class is huge, so I want to sit around her for those days if she doesn't mind. I'll worry about weekends some other time.
Eh, well at college I used to hang out with this girl in the mornings, go to lunch with her, hang out with her after classes, sometimes hung out in town with her, shared/finished her food, ate from the same dishes, hung out around and in her room or in 'my bedroom' until way after legal hours, and she never even got the idea that I liked her.

What I'm saying is, two lecture classes a week may not be enough.
Edited by: Pegasus
Yup YuP YuP, james i think u shud just express ur ttrue feeling for her, u shud not be scared to say, little girl, i wanna fuk u! Good Luck!
Yeah, the last time I was with a girl where we knew we liked each other that was actually all I needed to do.

Dammit why tell me now that you have a boyfriend!
Cardinal said:
Yup YuP YuP, james i think u shud just express ur ttrue feeling for her, u shud not be scared to say, little girl, i wanna fuk u! Good Luck!

That would be the best way for anyone to completely free their true, inner, subconscious mind. I mean, one must remember that we all are sexual beings. That is the cause for our existences, the sexual act of procreation.

Due to social conditioning that gives girls simba shields that protect them from being labeled sluts, I don't think that is something you should say, though, unless you're very good at saying everything in a very sensual, romantic, erotic way. You must learn the fundamentals of how to seduce her, and make her want it so badly that she basically rapes you.Edited by: Niki Moto

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