What's your favorite KH quote?

That's the furthest you ever got in the game Ryou.

The best was "Darkness is the heart's TRUE essence!"
Not really, I just played it this morning and borrowed it from my cousin, I got up to when I get beaten the crap out of by the girl w/ the jumprope!
When you wrote that post, it WAS the furthest you had gotten in the game. Playing further in the game seven days later doesn't change that.
Ryou you didn't get anywhere in the game if you're talking about training on the beach... You literally have to play for five minutes longer to get to that point and you're still on Destiny Island.
Well, now I am up to past WonderLand and the Colliseum, and that quote is still my favorite. Besides, Niki and Pegasus, do not criticize me for how far I am in the game, it does not matter, that is still my favorite quote, so shut up!
Yeah, I've beaten it completely for about a year now, and I still say that one I said before is my favorite. It's like a paradox.
well, ryou i geuss that the quote you liked is cool, "I loved "The closer you get to the light, the stronger your shadow becomes." That's the best."</font>, but ine and teds beats it by about 700 miles lol. ANSEM: " Darkness is the hearts TRUE essence"
Cardinal said:
Come too think of it, God does get me prouud before he kicks me in the ass

Cardinal, when Ryou said to look at his signature, he didn't mean those words. He meant the picture because it contains the KH quote in question.

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