Next Few Episodes


Staff member
The conclusion of the 3rd Season of Ni-Ki-Oh! is approaching, with FIVE surprising final episodes.

New plot twists, new characters, and a foreshadowing of the season to come...

A new foe will emerge. At least two characters are going to disappear this season. Will it be any of the stars, or third tier characters that have hardly any impact on the storyline?

To replace them, a handful of new characters are going to be joining the cast, introduced through a series of events that will change the world of Ni-Ki-Oh! as fans know it.

The technology required for these five transitional episodes, however, has inserted a wide gap that will end once rerunshave completed.

If anyone wishes to speculate about the next five episodes, feel free. If you want any hints, look at the episode list in the Ni-Ki-Oh! area of the YDC website.
By the way ted, i was thinking that maybe instead of coming in as strings/Ryou, i'll just come in some other season as just Ryou, like in the season w/ the *You know what* cards (in case it's top secret)
Everyone, let me know what you think, but ted, email me about it
This has nothing to do with the next five episodes if you were wondering, and we cannot add a new season so we can introduce a character named Ryou. Keep your role as Strings. Even though you are a mind slave, you will get to kill people.
Who said anything about that? I heard there are actually plans for the season to finish sometime around mid-May. Since we are still early in reruns right now; however, I'm not sure when exactly that will be, but probably a week or two after Duel For All Souls finishes again.
There won't be any new episodes for a long time. First we need to fix our camera so we can film new footage and view old footage.
For now all we can do is enjoy reruns of old episodes from the second season, and in a few weeks, the first half of the third season.
Niiiii-Kiii-Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Blaring Banjo music]

Ok, but I wont be there this Saturday, but next Saturday for the Tournament I will be here, maybe I'll catch an episode.
Does somebody get killed in it? I hope not, I prefer movies without violence, unless they've been critically acclaimed, of course.
We'll be having the CHAOS EMPIRE ON SATURDAY, I CANNOT WATCH IT! I NEED TO PREPARE THE TOURNAMENT!!! Maybe I'll catch it after it, since we'll be dueling outside w/ Dueldisks!
Will there be enough time for it, if we have 4 people there will DEFINATELY be enough, but if we have any more, that will be a problem!