Catapult Turtle

This page is a chapter in Book Ni-Ki-Oh! Card Errata
Card Image
Card Name: Catapult Turtle WATER
Card No: MRD-075, DB2-047

Level 5: Aqua / Effect
Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field. If you are Tributing a WIND monster, increase its ATK by 600 points first. Then, select and activate 1 of the following effects:
  • Inflict Direct Damage equal to half of the Tributed monster's ATK to your opponent's Life Points.
  • Inflict Direct Damage equal to half the Tributed monster's ATK to its owner's Life Points and destroy 1 card on the field.

ATK/ 1000 DEF/ 2000

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TK Seya

Network Partner
Artwork: Catapults weren't meant to be on turtles.


Stats: Water Aqua is good stuff. Too bad its level five but good thing A Legendary Ocean turns it into a four. 1000/2000 is not bad either but it isn't good.


Effect: More interesting than the one in real life, but not always in a good way. You can destroy field and continuous spell/trap cards and defense position monsters. But the owner of the tributed monster takes damage and the owner would be yourself most of the time.


Ease of Use: This monster's use is based on the use of A Legendary Ocean first, so it isn't that easy.


Stupid Combo:

You: 600 LP Opponent: 8000 LP

Your opponent has one Orca Mega-Fortress Of Darkness on the field and A Legendary Ocean. Their hand is empty. You have a set Catapult Turtle because they just attacked your face down Gigobyte instead. You flip summon Catapult Turtle. Then, you play Ameba and Creature Swap, stealing their Orca and making them lose 2000 LP. You then play Megamorph on the Orca, boosting it to 4400. You launch it at A Legendary Ocean and the opponent loses 2200 LP. A Megamorph is used on Catapult Turtle and so are three Axe of Despairs. After attacking the Ameba, your opponent is at 1100 LP. Your opponent draws and plays Ookazi. Gay-muh End-uh.

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