Work on this page is still very much in progress. This timeline is still far from complete, only reflecting data from a small number of sources.

This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 1992.
  1. 1992
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the graphic novel THD.
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the graphic novel Fhi3F.
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the graphic novel iTO3A.
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the graphic novel Oh3i.
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the graphic novel E0Ho.
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the graphic novel X.
  2. April
    • John Phillips films a family trip to visit Uncle Ron in North Carolina.
    • John Phillips films a religious pilgrimage to Conyers, Georgia.
  3. June 10
    • Ted Phillips is diagnosed with leukemia and hospitalized.
  4. June 11
    • Fr. Ken Marks visits Ted Phillips and performs the sacrament of The Anointing of the Sick.
  5. July
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the artwork SLP 912 (2-86).
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the art collection currently known as 6.
  6. September
    • John Phillips records a meteorology audition video for John Egan.
  7. September 14
  8. October 19
    • Ted Phillips drops a weight on his toe and has a visit to the emergency room.
  9. October 25
    • Ted Phillips is hospitalized for his second round of chemotherapy.
  10. October 30
    • Ted Phillips presents a live performance of the storybook animation Th to his hospital ward.
  11. November
    • Ted Phillips illustrates the graphic novel Pinnere X.
  12. December 13
    • The December 1992 Nor'easter causes The Flood.

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Pages in 1992

  1. T

    1. Th


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