Cracked Egg Studios

1993 Printable version
This page is a chapter in Annual Timelines

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This timeline shows a list of events in Cracked Egg Studios history, or events that influenced studio history, occurring during calendar year 1993.
  1. February
  2. March
  3. April
  4. June
  5. July
  6. September
  7. October
  8. November
  9. December
  1. 1993
  2. February 6
  3. February 13
  4. February 14
  5. February 15
    • Ted Phillips steps on a rake under snow cover, striking his catheter site.
    • Ted Phillips's catheter site becomes infected and requires replacement.
  6. February 27
  7. March 6
  8. March 13
  9. April
  10. April 17
  11. June
  12. July
  13. September
  14. October
  15. October 29
  16. November
    • Ted Phillips writes the children's book K'cap'n Lou.
    • Ted Phillips writes the science-fiction short story Ealon.
  17. November 28
  18. December
  19. December 25