Cracked Egg Studios

New Site - Printable version

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After 18 months of sharing a site with Cracked Egg Studios, we're happy to announce that the VaultWiki Team has been granted its own web site. is a site completely dedicated to licensing and support for our vBulletin product VaultWiki, and for our community of license holders to discuss and share their creations using the software.[PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]

Because the database was imported directly from this site, everyone's posts, user names, passwords, should remain the same. While it officially launched yesterday, there are still a few content pages that need to be updated to better suit the focus of the site, and likely a few bugs that need to be worked out.We're very pleased with what we have so far, and we're sure you will be too. We have many exciting changes planned for the next few weeks that we can't wait to share with you.

Please use the new site for all VaultWiki-related support and discussions from this point forward.
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