Cracked Egg Studios

EggPlayer Upgrade Printable version

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Users who frequently visit Cracked Egg Studios to view our video content may have noticed it become sporadically difficult to get the videos to play in their browsers during this past week. This is because we were tweaking some new changes to the software.

After sufficient tests, we are pleased to announce EggPlayer 2.0. Users will notice 2 very helpful additions. The ability to seek to any point in a video by clicking the timeline is now possible, allowing users to watch only their favorite parts if they want to. At the end of most videos, a "Play Again" button will appear, allowing users to rewind a video, rather than having to refresh the browser as in the previous behavior. You will notice some other small changes like faster video loading times, the fact that the volume controls seem to actually work, and a more obvious distinction between the playback progress and the buffer progress, since the colors used have higher contrast and fit better into the rest of the site's theme than they had before.

While most significant changes have been made, over the coming days we will continue to modify the skins so that they more appropriately reflect our site's logos and themes.
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