Cracked Egg Studios

CES v5.7 - ETF Printable version

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When we changed the Site Layout by integrating Forum v4.0, we effectively made the two one and the same, referred to as Cracked Egg Studios v5.0. Since then, we have implemented a number of bug fixes, improved load times, and more efficiently coded certain parts of the site.

Since the conversion to v5.0, there were problems where the site would break out of tables, the menus wouldn't load on certain pages, etc. The newest fix and the update to v5.7 refers to our "Exploding Tables Fix," which solves this issue by simplifying header and footer code to reduce conflicts.

Thus no page on the site should break out of the table anymore. No more will menus load in appropriate places, i.e. the right bar lower than the left, the page not having sufficient black background, or the right bar at the bottom of the page. If you encounter a page where this still occurs, please report the URL using the "Contact Us" link and whether you were logged in or not at the time. This means we have overlooked that page in the conversion process.

In the mean time, we will be looking for more bugs to fix, as we gradually develop more content pages.
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