New members?


CES Staff
On May 15, two young men took the initiation test for this club to see how well they could do: Thomas Fulgione a.k.a. "Mr. T." and Vincent Meenan a.k.a. "Sam". Mr. T. scored 42%, but since these testtakers did not have the chance to view the website prior to the test, it was curved 10 points, qualifying him for the club. Sam scored 67%, making him also very qualified. Neither have paid one dollar as a membership fee, so it is yet uncertain if they wish to complete the initiation process. These are their essays from the tests:

"I am a cool, kick-ass guy who is an asset wherever he goes. I sort of know Java Programming, and can handle any situation. I am also not retarded. The club antics and exploits are what are the most attractive part of this club. Now I am going to wate the rest of the line space to babble incoherantly and rapidly." - Vincent "Sam" Meenan (scored 18/20 on the essay)

"I prolly got Ted a prom date, I kick ass, I can insult James, I really really really hate ghetto kids, and I can play the spoons. Oh, and I can name all your current cats." - Thomas "Mr. T" Fulgione (scored 15/20 on the essay)

So, members, post your thoughts! Do you think these people should be accepted as members to our club?
yea, lets let tom and vinny in, but only after they pay the dollar, cause we all had to do it, its part of our rules. PAY IT! ITS A FRIGGIN DOLLAR! (bums...) lol
jk, but let them in!