HoJeong Gets AIM


CES Staff
This is the theme song to the now lost TV pilot "HoJeong Gets AIM." The theme song was recorded with damaged recording equipment and then put through noise filters; this is the clearest version in existence.

This was the first song recorded for the album "Octagon City."


You didn't ask for this
You didn't ask for this
You didn't ask for this, but you're gonna take it on
Even though the guitar's out of tune

HoJeong looks me in the eye
Pulls down his pants
Looks at me thirteen times and says

I didn't ask for this
I just want to be a normal boy
But my destiny calls
I am magical
A magical creature
Trained to fly away
Fly away to the magical land of Korea
To be the Chuck Norris of a land called Korea

Saving a baby from a fire
That's not where it stops
HoJeong bangs my mom
HoJeong's losing control
HoJeong's green
Before saving the world HoJeong must save himself from himself

HoJeong's in rehab
He was doing three ounces of cocaine a day
He also liked heroin
But he likes having things fly through his nose
So he's more into cocaine

At the Betty Ford Clinic
A man comes in with a gun
HoJeong shoots lasers out of his nipples
The man is reduced to ashes
HoJeong saved the day

You've saved the day
You've saved the day
You've saved the day
But for how long
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I think the line is "HoJeong bangs my mom" as a "my mom" joke. He just says it like "bangsma mom."