Bean of the Dead

I love how even though you work for Cracked Egg Studios, you speak critically about it.
<br />And making a Zombie movie isn't being unoriginal, since Zombie is just a film genre.
<br />The only part of "Bean of the Dead" I can see as being anything of a ripoff would be the fact that it's another Mr. Bean movie.
<br />But of course, who wouldn't love to see Mr. Bean in a Zombie flick? That's why we're doing it!
I know, this is going to be such a great movie! Does Evan know we're putting him in our movie as Mr. Bean? I think he would be humiliated.
I think Evan actually enjoys doing Mr. Bean impressions. But we'll see how he takes to this role.
Well if Korin ever comes out she'll be a zombie, Rich will get his g/f to be one, I bet Tony wouldn't mind, but we need an army... maybe if I put an ad in my boss's newspaper...
Claw Snuff said:
ted that's the stupidest thing ever people are gonna think its a joke

That's exactly what it is. It is a joke. A parody. The genius of the idea is in the absurdity of the juxtaposition, which creates a crisp combination of irony and stupidity.

Too bad Evan refuses to play Mr. Bean. I guess we'll have to find someone else who looks similar willing to play Mr. Bean. Or, by the time Cracked Egg Studios really takes off, we might be able to get the original Mr. Bean.

This movie has not have been filmed yet because of a severe lapse in scripting, actors, and organization. In the distant future this should not be a problem.