If I did that people would abuse the Downloads system. Also, I'll use you as an example. Points for Downloads has gotten YOU to start posting, Joe.

The forum would suck if people didn't post, and I'm not going to offer 300MB downloads to whoever feels like downloading them. BANDWIDTH!

Just be glad Downloads isn't a Network Partners only thing - where you need a paid subscription to the forum. I was considering adding a way for you to buy points with PayPal if you were too lazy to post, though. That way I could at least use the money for the bandwidth costs.
Devilschild said:
ted...i think u shud take away the points!! they are soo annoying..downloads shud be free lol

It's lazy people like you that abuse the welfare system intended by socialists and democrats as a safety net for the poor.
Well, Joe, I took away Points a while ago. You should be happy to know that you no longer need them for downloads. Instead you need little things called Celbos.
The sales tax will provide a source for a special Celbos prize we are adding soon much like a lottery, except there are other ways of obtaining a ticket. The amount of taxes collected up until that point will determine the size of the prize.