Resident Evil


CES Staff
hey guys....just wanted to bring up a topic about resident evil....i beat 4 a while back but now i have the sudden erge to play it again...if anyone got a copy they cud lend me...please inform me ASAP...thank you
I personally would like to buy all the Resident Evil games for Gamecube and play them all again. Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, 4, Zero, X, Dead Aim, Outbreak - if I missed any let me know (X = Veronica last time I checked and X was shorter to type but my memory could be wrong).

I saw them all used at GameStop today for $9.99-18.99 each. With the BuY-2-Used-Get-1-of-Really-Lesser-Value-Free deal, this could become a simple task if my paycheck ever comes in the mail.