Cracked Egg Studios

Studio Questions and Discussion Printable version

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Studio Questions and Discussion is the current name of a sub-forum in the CES Forum that was created in 2006 with a forum ID of #31 in the forum category "The Next-Gen Entertainment Alternative." It was originally called "The Vault" and later renamed "Productions and Publications," and its purpose was to discuss any studio-related information, such as projects and history, especially if it was a topic of a page in Crackipedia's The Vault.

Its description was as follows:
Containing info about everything Cracked Egg Studios!


On or about December 14, 2006, the forum was partially reorganized to facilitate the development of Crackipedia, resulting in the creation of the sub-forum The Vault. Another new sub-forum called Article Discussions was created beneath it, intended to house the MediaWiki Talk pages in Crackipedia, as managed by the software vbWiki Pro. At the same time, an identically-named pre-existing sub-forum The Vault (#6) was renamed to "New Releases" and was moved under the new sub-forum, with various threads being redistributed accordingly. The Games (#7) sub-forums that were previously under the old The Vault were also moved under this new sub-forum.

On or about July 3, 2008, The Vault forum was moved into the new forum category "Oviraptor Hunting Ground" (#117).

On or about July 6, 2008, The Vault forum was renamed "Productions and Publications," likely to reduce confusion between the multiple web site areas with similar names, as well as the product and support pages for VaultWiki.

On or about May 11, 2009, the sub-forum Graveyard (#136) was created under "Productions and Publications."

On October 7, 2009, the Studio tab was reorganized and "Productions and Publications" was renamed to "Studio Questions and Discussion" and moved under the forum category "The Coop" (#3).