dR. Pepper Says

Claw Snuff

Urban Emo
dr.pepper is the new mascot.why not something living.have you ever felt enraged come to ragein dragon$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%$$ $ buy dr.pepper
I think she is spamming the forum with advertisements for a bar somewhere... this could be grounds for a suspension...
::In a hooded cloak::
I'd like to bid for Dr. Pepper.........HEY!!!!!
I think we should discuss adding an amendment for Vice Mascot, in case the current mascot dies.

I realize the current mascot is made of plastic, and therefore... oh crap it has no pulse!
Nooooooooooo! Who will take Dr. Pepper's place as the club mascot? This is the kind of crisis I was trying to have the club avoid, but my suggestion was too late...
The mascot dosen't need a pulse, I mean, Smokey the Bear(cartoon one) doesn't have a pulse, and he's the mascot for Protection of Forest Fires (There's name for it I just forgot it). And even the real smokey the bear doesn't have a pulse b/c he's dead, yet he's STILL the mascot, Dr. Pepper LIVES AGAIN, but we should have a Vice mascot, just in case
Dr. Pepper is alive in our hearts, and that's all we need. There's no need for a vice mascot because we can just have an election for a new mascot when the need arises.
Ok, i side with Nick now, that was a very emotional speech, 'Dr. Pepper is alive in our hearts.' ::sob:: excuse me... ::blows nose in hankey::