Cracked Egg Studios

The Unbridled God of the Underworld Anubis Printable version

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Card Name: The Unbridled God of the Underworld, Anubis DIVINE
Card No: NSF-001, DMT2-012

Level 12: Divine-Beast / Effect
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by offering monsters whose total Level Stars equal 12 or more from your side of the field or your hand or by the effect of "Pyramid Turtle." This card is also treated as Zombie-type. When this card is summoned, you can equip up to 2 "Axe of Despair" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, or that were removed from play to this card. While this card is face-up on the field, you can activate Trap Cards from your Deck. This card is unaffected by effects other than Equip Cards. This card can attack a number of times equal to the number of equipped "Axe of Despair" during the same Battle Phase.

ATK/ 5000 DEF/ 1400


The Unbridled God of the Underworld, Anubis, was intended to be included with the Ni-Ki-Oh! Season 4 DVD, where Anubis was expected to appear in the original season finale. However, since the season was later divided multiple seasons and never completed principle photography, this card was only revealed to the world as part of Card of the Day. The original effect was:
This card can only be Special Summoned by offering monsters whose total Level Stars equal 12 or more from your side of the field or your hand. When this card is summoned, you can equip up to 2 "Axe of Despair" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, or that were removed from play to this card. While this card is face-up on the field, you can activate Trap Cards from your Deck. Shuffle your Deck afterward. This card is not affected by the effects of Magic, Trap, or Monster cards.
The latter part of the effect quickly led to confusion among players, because it was unclear what the purpose of the equipped Axe of Despair cards would be unless they could affect Anubis.

The card was finally printed beginning August 6, 2007, in the DMT2 Tournament Pack, a promotional expansion pack legal during the Cracked Egg Studios-sanctioned Duel Monsters Tournament II, with the updated effect shown here.