Cracked Egg Studios

Gravy Master Printable version

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Gravy Master, as illustrated by Nick Phillips.
Gravy Master (FIRE)
Card No: DMT-001

Level 4: Aqua/Effect
Pay 1000 Life Points to increase this card's ATK by 500 points for every other monster on the field until the end of your opponent's next turn.

ATK/ 0 DEF/ 2675


Gravy Master was the first Pokemon Trainers' Club promo card made for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. It was given to the five people who competed in the Duel Monsters Tournament Playoffs and featured in the first season Ni-Ki-Oh! episode "By the Other's Paw." These people who received the card were Bandit Rich, Niki Moto, Jofuf Juftuf, Pegasus, and Seto Vacca.

This card was created after a bottle of "Gravy Master Seasoning and Browning Sauce" made by Gravy Master, Inc.

Since it is the first one, the actual layout was not yet refined. The name is not written in all caps. The attribute is not in the form of an icon. The level stars are asterisks. The card did not have a picture, but the recipients of the card had to draw it themselves. There is no card number or illustrator. In addition, the text is not so "official" sounding either - the writer of the effect (Ted Phillips) used the phrase "attack power" instead of "ATK."

This card would be extremely powerful if used the original way it was intended, with the effect: "This monster's attack power is equal to 500 times the number of monsters on the field excluding this one." However, it was made for people who played using 2000 life points and did not offer monsters in summons or attack directly. Using the official rules from Konami, and using a card this powerful would be unfair. To address this problem, the YDC Federal Bureau of Inhibition (FBI) decided to limit this card to one-per-deck and later to rewrite the effect.

Because of a high defensive strength, the FBI added the effect that "at the end of the Damage Step in which Gravy Master is attacked, it changes to Attack Position." But even that change was not too inhibiting because its ATK could still be high, making Gravy Master still difficult to destroy even while in Attack Position. During the summer of 2003, the FBI decided to change the effect altogether.

The final effect was used when the card was reprinted beginning August 6, 2007 in the DMT2 Tournament Pack, a promotional expansion pack legal during the Cracked Egg Studios-sanctioned Duel Monsters Tournament II.