Cracked Egg Studios

CES [Anything] BB-Code Printable version

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CES [Anything] BB-Code (product ID: ces_bb_anything) was a vBulletin software plugin developed by Cracked Egg Studios that allowed permitted users to render style syntax, such as template variables and template conditionals, within their posts. It was published on March 22, 2007, at

The plugin was intended to allow administrators to post dynamic content, such as different or personalized text depending on the reader. It required a third-party plugin Advanced BB-Code Permissions to ensure that only permitted users could take advantage of [anything].

The plugin had multiple versions, ending with 1.1.1 on March 23, 2007. The plugin was discontinued in favor of VaultWiki's more secure and robust templating system.

VersionRelease Date
1.1.1March 23, 2007
1.1.0March 23, 2007
1.0.0March 22, 2007