Cracked Egg Studios

CES vbWiki Pro Navbits Extension Printable version

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CES vbWiki Pro Navbits Extension (product ID: navbits_vbwiki) was the first vBulletin software plugin developed by Cracked Egg Studios and released to the general public. It was published on January 4, 2007, at and was shortly thereafter discontinued in favor of CES Custom Navbits on Any Pages.

This plugin enabled the use of specialized wiki syntax in order for wiki content editors to modify the entries in a wiki page's breadcrumb navigation links. <nav>...</nav> could add entries between the wiki's sitename and the article name, by using a custom link URL, followed by a space character, followed by the custom link text. <> could be used as a delimiter for additional entries.

CES vbWiki Pro Navbits Extension required vbWiki Pro, vBulletin 3.x, and MediaWiki.

In addition to the long list of dependencies, the software was limited in that it could only modify breadcrumbs on wiki pages and did not offer any options for using dynamic rules or content. Thus, it was quickly discontinued.[/icode]